Val Venis Shoot Interview DVD-R
Along with "Oh hell yeah" and "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking," "Hello Ladies" may be the most recognizable from wrestlings biggest period. How did a kid who started wrestling as a hobby turn himself into one of sports entertainments most recognizable personalities? RF Video's newest shoot interview with Val Venis tells it all.
Val Venis' pro wrestling career started long before he entered a WWE ring. Val took the unconventional path to the top. Val wrestled all over the world throughout all of the top international territories and companies long before he made it to the WWE. Along with these journeys come some great road stories which you will only hear in this RF Video shoot interview.
Val recalls his first-ever tour of All Japan Pro Wrestling and a situation with the Babas. What wrestler on the tour made Val paranoid and fearful of his job before he ever wrestled a match in Japan? Val also talks about wrestling and traveling with the legends of All Japan including Stan Hansen, Kenta Kobashi, and more.
Val goes into great detail about his only experience with WCW. What happened that turned Val off to WCW before he tried out for the company? What WCW executive rubbed Val the wrong way? How did his appearance impact his Mexico tour? How close was he to going to WCW over the WWE?
Val also talks extensively about getting into the WWE. What were his first impressions of Vince McMahon? Who brokered the deal to get Val a tryout? What were Val's tryouts like? How soon was he hired after trying out? Did he feel he was ready for the WWE?
One of the best parts of the interview is Val talking about the creation of the character Val Venis. What were his initial reactions? How and who came up with, "Hello ladies?" Who called him with the idea? What kind of research did he do to prepare for the new gimmick? Did he think it would work?
Val also tells a great story about his first television appearance against Scorpio in the WWE. Val talks about the psychology behind the match. Val talks about why he thought it was different than most matches. Val is a student of the game and talks psychology quite a bit during the entire video. Val also talks about Jim Ross' reaction on commentary to the different psychology he used in his debut. How did the office react?
Val has some great stories about being in the ring with some of wrestling's biggest stars. Val talks about his matches with Steve Austin and the differences in wrestling Steve on television and at a house show. Val also talks about wrestling the Rock, including a great story about the night he ribbed the Rock in the ring and popped Pat Patterson.
Val talks about the many changes in his character in the WWE. Why did the WWE drop the porn star gimmick? Did he like it or did he favor the character? Val talks about the RTC and his thoughts on fellow RTC members. Val also has some great stories about his run as Eric Bischoff's Chief of Staff.
Val is very candid with his opinions throughout the interview. Which McMahon does he feel doesn't have the same passion for wrestling as the others? His thoughts on the Stephanie McMahon-Triple H romance including the love triangle involving Chyna. Does he think the Edge-Matt Hardy-Lita situation was a work? Val is most opinionated about the Chris Benoit tragedy. Val has very strong words for everyone involved and talks about Chris Benoit in a way never talked about in past RF Video shoot interviews.
Like most RF Video shoot interviews, you will hear a lot of ribs and road stories. Val recalls a classic Owen Hart rib and how he found out about the perpetrator years later. Val talks about an absolute classic rib Al Snow played on him that has to be heard to be believed. Val also recalls some of the classic Val Venis vignettes including being in bed with Jenna Jameson and the famous castration angle. Find out why Val lost his cool shooting that angle with Wally Yamaguchi.
This is one of the most fun and i